Get me a F#CKING Blowgun. NOW. Please?

Friday, October 17, 2008

i HATE these things at christmas. i HATE these things at thanksgiving. and i especially HATE these things at halloween. HATE is a strong word, but it's appropriate when discussing inflatable lawn bullshit ornaments. do you have them? if you do, i suggest that you DO NOT tell me where you live, because i will find a blowgun and ride my bike past your house with it in the middle of the night. all stealth-like and shit. so beware.


Anonymous,  3:40 PM  

I HATE those things! Why do people spend money on this crap? I'm not filled with joy when I see them. Instead I am filled with the urge to stab it to death in the middle of the night, and it still wouldn't be enough.

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