I'm Just Mad About The Mayo...

Sunday, June 22, 2008

i really hate, there i go again, how many things i am coming to hate lately. i've lost something, or some part of me. i used to be compassionate and caring. i don't know where it's going, but i'm losing it fast. and i've always been one to think that it's horrible to have hate in your heart; that it's ok to dislike something or someone, but hate is a strong and horrible word. not anymore, and it kind of bothers me.

so on that note, i really hate bill o'reilly. i appreciate shows like his that gather opinions on 'hot topics' from others in their respective professional communities, but his just rubs me the wrong way. what i can't stand about him, is that he has his mind made up, and anyone with a differing view is just plain wrong. i'm sure another part of my hatred towards him has to do with his ridiculous, radical, right wing pander; but he's arrogant too.

it must have been a really slow news day when this clip aired on his show. when you have time to bitch about a mayonnaise commercial, i can't imagine much else was going on; or in his case, anything else that he felt like talking about.

i have three separate issues/questions/opinions on the clip itself:

1- i think his reaction to the commercial is quite comical. watch the commercial again. i mean really watch it. there is a lot going on and nothing at the same time. of all the things that he sees happening, and of all the comments that he comes up with, is "it's a gay thing." even if that's the way you see it, does it really matter? does that change the fact that the commercial is for mayonnaise? if it was "a straight thing," would the commercial really be any different?

2- now us americans were never meant to see this commercial, because too many citizens in "the land of the free" are too closed minded to accept it as reality. too many of us agree with our military, and so we "don't ask," and we hope that they "don't tell." but regardless of all of that, think about commercials that we see every day. with or without sound, commercials do in fact tell a story about a product. with that in mind, what exactly was heinz trying to tell us about mayonnaise? or should i say MANnaise? something freudian, no doubt. i really am curious.

3- the strongest opinion that i have on this commercial, is the least controversial; why the hell can't we get those delicious flavors of mayonnaise in the united states? we're not good enough for caramelized onion, sun dried tomato, roasted garlic or moroccan style mayo here? damn it heinz. that's the biggest controversy here as far as i am concerned. (i still love you for your ketchup though!)

california finally has the right idea, and with any luck the rest of the country will follow suit. so bill, i think it's time you get over it you homophobic, mccain loving hack!

more from truthdig HERE.


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