For Emma [Bon Iver]

Thursday, October 16, 2008

myspace started bringing in what i guess you could call b-list artists to record a sort of 'behind the music' kind of session. ok, i'm not really comfortable calling them b-list, so let's just say they're more along the lines of a-list, page two. that's better. anyway, they're calling these sessions myspace transmissions. so far, they've recorded some pretty notable sets by the likes of james blunt, city and colour, vampire weekend, and more recently, bon iver. i can't lie, i don't think i'd ever heard of bon iver before, but i'm glad i have now. this is a sweet jam called 'for emma' from those sessions.


Anonymous,  2:31 PM  

really enjoyable, thx for sharing!

tony a.k.a. isweatbutter 9:42 PM  

i forgot to mention, they have four free downloads, including this one on the myspace transmissions page, if you're interested.

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