(a) New Edition [Buttery New Music]

Friday, October 03, 2008

i know that you are all excited because you saw the title of this post, and now you see a video a little further down, and you just can't wait to press play in hopes of seeing an encore presentation of new edition singing 'popcorn love.' i'll tell you right now that i'm sorry to disappoint.

if you recall a while back, i wrote a post about artists that you should have on your ipod but probably don't, hopefully you've expanded your horizons and listened to some of them. i know some of you appreciated them so much that you even downloaded their albums; to which i say "i'm glad i could share the love." i have a new edition for that list though. a number six. joshua radin. i know that he's by no means "new," but somehow, until this week, he has flown under my radar like john mccain in spain.** in fact, i haven't been listening to much else this week, other than his song 'today' (below) and 'suite: judy blue eyes' (which i actually woke up singing this morning). joshua's music was featured as far back as the soundtrack of garden state, which is one of the most fantastic soundtracks ever, but again i must admit, i missed him. in this clip, from the ellen degeneres show, she introduces him as this generation's simon & garfunkel. in one sentence, there is no better way to describe him. he is a true singer/songwriter with a real skill for storytelling. and if his music isn't awesome enough, he even covers 'only you' by yazoo aka yaz! (the most underrated song of 1982). i hope you enjoy him as much as i do.

**"flying over...spain one day, [mccain] decided to deviate from his flight plan. rocketing along...his plane sliced through a power line." [rolling stone]



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