Comcast, For The WIN! [Twitterific]
Thursday, February 26, 2009
we've been having problems with our phone/interet/cable for weeks now. last week we scheduled an appointment for this past monday, for which no one ever showed up. yesterday, sam called to make another appointment because i know how i get when i deal with the cable company. the earliest available date for service? MONDAY! wtf, right? so this morning, the internet wasn't working before noon, which has lately been the case, and having not slept (and sans coffee), i twittered this:eleven minutes later, i got this: (to be read from the bottom up)
fast forward to 2:16pm... comcast man rolls up in my driveway, spends 40 minutes f'n with wires and such and fixes EVERYTHING.
so for those of you that don't believe in twitter, you better recognize.
and comcastbill, you're my hero.
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