Hot Colors for Cold Days.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

over the last week, i've realized something else that totally sucks about the poconos. besides being 40 minutes away from anything other than a bar that serves beer in cans, or a deli that sells a 20 oz. soda for $3.00, fall just doesn't seem to exist here. less than two weeks ago it was 80 degrees outside. today, it remained a crisp 56. it made me long for the toastiness of a neat snifter of grand marnier. and perhaps a cigar, but i digress. with the cold days, come the hot colors. of clothing that is. which is the point where i need your assistance, in choosing which of these outfits i should add to my winter repetoire. i'm so torn between the jade with navy trim 'oslo pullover' with matching jade slouch socks, and the gold 'tahoe sweater' with the complementing purple 'sierra waist pouch.' to help you assist me in making a selection, i have taken the liberty of pasting my high school yearbook photo, circa 1986, on the outfits. (because i hear that feathered bangs and mullets are coming back this winter.) please get back to me as soon as possible, because i have to have my order in by october 20...



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