Can you hear me getting fatter?

Thursday, October 09, 2008

well, fat means flavor bitches! your eyes fail you not. that is indeed a fat, juicy hamburger with two grilled cheese sandwiches subbing for the bun. i’d kill a cardiologist with my bare hands to get one of these. but it would be even de-lisher with a few slices of thick-cut bacon and some blue cheese dressing. this may even be more delicous than the monnow valley burger that's squeezed inside a krispy kreme donut. please excuse me while i go and have a coronary for lunch.

[via slog]


Crazy Momma 9:28 AM  

My mouth is SO watering...yum...except for the blue cheese - blue cheese is MOLD. Why would I ever CHOOSE to eat MOLD?

tony a.k.a. isweatbutter 9:41 AM  

mold is DELISH! but just as easily replaced with ranch dressing. :)

Anonymous,  5:51 PM  

I dunno, blue cheese sounds kinda good to me. If you ever open up a restaurant PLEASE put this on the menu, it looks awesome!

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