Go Ahead, Put a Ring On It...

Sunday, October 12, 2008

i remember when i bought my first cell phone at sixteen. it was a prepaid motorola phone that was about the size of two sticks of butter. i think the company was called omnipoint. i felt so cool having a cell phone that i would call random numbers just to use it. not because i needed to speak to someone on the other end, but just because i could. these days, ten year olds have cell phones; but when i was sixteen, it was still the days when pagers were the "in" thing. this practice continued until i got my first bill, at which point pointless phone calls were no longer fun.

similarly, if not randomly, when i first got my google reader (which is arguably the most fantastic product in the google empire), the same thing happened. i subscribed to every blog and rss feed that i came across. it was fantastic. i was more "in the know" than anyone i know. i was the first to know when britney checked out of rehab, or when amy winehouse blew a line off a toilet seat, or when clay aiken surprised the world by announcing he was gay, or when tom cruise stopped being crazy. ok, so maybe that last thing hasn't happened yet, but you get the point. this practice was great until cruising the internet turned into such a chore, having to sift through 500 blog posts a day. needless to say, i quickly slimmed down my feeds to a more manageable and enjoyable number.

defamer.com was one of the blogs that had made the cut. i always thought of it as a less sleazy version of that skeezy perez hilton or the ambulance chasers of tmz. to be chic, i'll call it 'boutique celeb gossip.' that's my description of it, but you can use it, since i know you are going to steal it anyway. the whole point of this post, and yes, i do have one, is to share with you the glories of molls and her pup waganstuff. she works worked for defamer and provides the world with a never-longer-than-two-minute video that gives you the low down of the nightly entertainment out in hollywood. and although there's not a snowball's chance in hell that i would ever actually attend any of the functions she mentions, being that i'm on the east coast, i still look forward to her daily antics every night. whether she's talking clay aiken or vagina costumes or headlines or beyonce, she rocks my world. sometimes, i literally roflmao. unfortunately, due mostly to george w. bush running our country into the ground, this coming week will be molls' last. i must say though, under the circumstances, she's really going out with a bang. in the three or four months that she's been filming the to-do's, this past week has offered some of the best. especially THIS one from last week, that actually has a really awesome message woven into the wagandstuff mambo. i seriously encourage you to check it out HERE. so go ahead, put a ring on it...

[to do: the song of the summer is a little late via defamer]


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