Mr. Miyagi's Pest Control Service...

Friday, October 10, 2008

ok, i lied. i know i said that i was taking the day off, but for the first time in months, i am actually awake at 10:28 in the morning. (usually when my posts go up this early, it's because i have written them the night before.) my other option right now is listening to good 'ol w. telling me what's wrong with the economy on tv (thanks for nothing); so i would much rather use the time to put up another post.

i read an article on the life hackery this morning about things that you should do before you die. unlike my bucket list which is more about specific events, this list is more about skills to practice at least once in your life. this one seemed ridiculous until i read on and saw the usefulness?!? of it:

5. Catch[ing] a fly with a chopstick. Yes, it was a skill that was made famous by the movie “The Karate Kid” and no, you don’t have to be Japanese to learn it. This skill is actually more useful than just ridding your house of those pesky insects. It enhances your hand-eye coordination to such a degree that you may even be able to beat the hardest video games known to man. On a more useful note, great reflexes are always a plus in many jobs. Who knows, with great reflex, you might even be able to dodge bullets. Really though, enhanced hand-eye coordination and reflex skills will get you far in life.

Useful for:
--Dodging balls, cars, and other things that may harm you
--Catching fish in streams if ever you decide to live in the mountains
--Pest exterminators
[via lifehackery]


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