"Shit, or Get Off the Pot."

Monday, October 13, 2008

i'm trying to draw up an analogy between this clock and the proverbial ring from saturday's post. but i'll have to let you draw your own.

this abstract gem looks broken, no? it is. kind of. for now. until you decide to get things started. at which time it springs into action.

it is a clock. turned off. not ticking. showing no progress. encased in glass. when you're ready to make the leap, to commit, to "put a ring on it," you break the glass. the sculpture is ruined. all you have are shards of broken glass. and a working clock. it's alive and it's changing and moving forward. it's all about recognizing something good in the moment. and going for it.

...and life, indeed, goes on.

[via ancient artist]


Anonymous,  6:36 PM  

i wish it were that easy...

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