Tuesday, March 31, 2009
"if you possess something that you cannot give away, then you do not possess it, it possesses you." --frank sinatra
if you've got nothing nice to say, then come sit by me.
"if you possess something that you cannot give away, then you do not possess it, it possesses you." --frank sinatra
i just checked google analytics to get my website stats, and found some interesting keyword searches that led people to this site. i highlighted some of my favorites, including 'pubemaster' and 'soy sauce sex.' i'm so glad to know that i contribute to the importance of the world wide web.
[via failblog]
He must be Irish cause this is stupid... Go eat some Lucky Charms." --my mom
this statement was immediately followed by: "don't twitter that, the leprechauns will come and steal my cat."
He's done more for the good in 50 days that we've had him than that goatblowing assclown did in 8 years. I love him."
--hampsterpants via jezebel
and btw, my followers have doubled since yesterday's live idol tweet session... because i'm now apparently a snark.
That oughta lube the tube." --me
although i'm sure this tag is in a t-shirt from an über-hip thread shop like busted tees or threadless, i'm sure it wasn't meant to be noticed. and if by some chance you have no life and happen to read your t-shirt's care tag, it's placed there in hopes of putting a smile on your face, if only for one second, before you go off on some feminist rant.
this was posted on failblog this morning and has a very special meaning to me. growing up i lived in a house with two older sisters, a mom and a grandma, so it was a rare occurrence that i ever had to do my own laundry. that was, until one day after watching an episode of sally jessy raphael about chauvinist asswipes, i was STUPID enough to say out loud, presumably after being asked to put the load of wash that was in the washer into the dryer, that "LAUNDRY WAS WOMEN'S WORK." needless to say, i've been doing my own laundry since about the third grade...[photo via failblog]
[photo via offalgood]
how could she withhold that pertinent information? give me missy's cell number, NOW! i'm going to text her a new asshole."me, texting brian about a mutual friend that witheld information regarding a long lost classmate that's been found on facebook, and was kept secret by said "friend." some friend, i know. Read more...
van morrison just finished mumbling through a song on the first late night with jimmy fallon. i didn't understand a word of it. but i still enjoyed every note. that's how i know... [that van is a classic]
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