Chock Full O'McCain Insults...

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

BEWARE! the liberal media monster has returned! (that's my new handle when i'm about to write about something from the "liberal media.") i wrote about the make-believe maverick article from rolling stone on friday, and for those of you without the attention span to read through ten whole pages of type, the good folks at jezebel have sifted through the contents of said article to provide you with a new list of john mccain insults. you know, in case you are like the rest of the world, and are sick of hearing the same old (no pun intended) mccainisms — out of touch, unfunny, wrong on the issues, quick-to-anger, cap'n crappypants — day after day. so here, without further adeu, are jezebel's gifts to the world:

-- From former POW John Dramesi: "he's still the undisciplined, spoiled brat that he was when he went in [to the Navy]"
-- "George W. Bush was a much better pilot."
-- "a man who has consistently put his own advancement above all else"
-- "a man willing to say and do anything to achieve his ultimate ambition"
-- "John McCain is his own special interest."
-- Former Republican Senator Lincoln Chafee says, "McCain is putting himself first. He's putting himself first in blinking neon lights."
-- "John Sidney McCain III has spent most of his life trying to escape the shadow of greater men."
-- High school nicknames included "Punk" and "McNasty."
-- One former classmate called him, "a mean little fucker."
...continued article on


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