The "Conservative Media" Has Spoken. [Concede, Sealed, Delivered, He's Yours.]

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

so i just found out that there is actually such thing as "conservative media." unfortunately for john mccain, they don't think that he's doing any better than the evil-doers in the bowels of the liberal side. it's 1:50ish in the morning, panic at the disco is about to perform on last call with carson daly, and i just got all giddy because i read this in the national review:

"signing off"
"Well I have gone outside and pulled up my Mcain/Palin sign. This election is over. I will vote for Mcain but I know that come Nov. 5 Obama will be our president-elect.

I feel sorry for Sarah Palin. A once promising career will be permanently connected to the landside loss of John McCain.

I weep for my children and their families."
now that i have finished giggling, and i have wiped every last tear from my eyes, i'm thinking about just how right "america's most widely read and influential magazine and web site for republican/conservative news, commentary, and opinion" really is.

and i shall sleep much better this eve. (sorry electa.)

[via the national review]


Crazy Momma 9:29 AM  

Yeah, baby! So freaking exciting, isn't it?!

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