Happy Leap Day...
Friday, February 29, 2008
...and happy birthday to anyone who was born on february 29th, that doesn't get to celebrate their birthday every year! says i, that, is today's reason to drink!
if you've got nothing nice to say, then come sit by me.
...and happy birthday to anyone who was born on february 29th, that doesn't get to celebrate their birthday every year! says i, that, is today's reason to drink!
the one and only sheila provided yet another awesome photo. the line is from a crazy old movie from 1962 with bette davis and joan crawford, called 'what ever happened to baby jane.' it was another one of those psychologically exhausting films along the lines of 'sybil.' an oldie, but definately a goodie; and just as freaky as this photo.
more from kate nash, 'foundations,' me at deer leap falls.
my donald trump board room impression, before donald trump stepped foot in one. me & my sisters; 'you're fired' circa 1984.
a shameless plug: i'm not sure what genius decided that blueberries and coffee would go well together, but whoever it was, i'm glad they did. it's been a while since i've had a cup until i recently got another bag and reaffirmed my love for the stuff. don't knock it, try it. i promise you won't be disappointed. i'm not even sure if any other company makes it, but 'wild mountain blueberry' from green mountain coffee roasters is the best.
thank god for the crazy ones, the round pegs in the square holes, the one who see things differently, the ones that are crazy enough to try something like mixing glorious coffee and blueberries...
after snorting enough drywall dust to have supported a columbian family in the 'export' business for a year, the painting commenced. two coats. complete. moldings are currently in the works. completion of project mayhem: t minus 2 days...
my pops is back from his trip to 'the old country,' and since his return he has become the head of what i affectionatly like to call "project mayhem." (the remodeling of the extra bedroom in his house, that has been sitting incomplete for five years.) project mayhem is coming to an end as yesterday we painted, and i did all the electrical work, and just in time for today, the old man's 64th birthday. i'll keep you posted on the final product, and share some before, during and after pictures when it's completely done. but for today, i think we're going to relax a little, maybe move some furniture, no doubt drink some beers, and later we'll attempt to ignite a cake with 65 candles. that oughta light up the neighborhood! Happy Birthday Pops!
yet another gadget on my igoogle, is the 'deep thought' of the day by the ever-knowing jack handey. today's was destined to be posted on MY page, and here it is.
i've enjoyed redneck jokes for years. actually, that's a lie. i used to think they were easily interchangeable with low class jokes. but recently i've realized, as much as i hate to admit it, i think i may be becoming one. maybe not in the strongest sense of the word, but redneck nonetheless. i decided that it's time to take a reflective look at the core beliefs of a culture that values home, family, country and god. in the unstable world that we're living in today, those are the most important traits to have. i don't know about you, but if i had to stand before a dozen terrorists who threatened my life, i'd rather have a half dozen or so rednecks to back me up than a bunch of over-torqued musclemen. rednecks with their tire irons, squirrel guns and grit; it's only natural because that's what rednecks are made of. isn't it? i guess i could be one of those, and like i said, i feel like i am slowly becoming one. read on ya'll!
you could easily spend hours on google doing research on 'rednecks.' next time you're up at three in the morning with nothing to do, type "you might be a redneck if" in the search box, smack the 'enter' key and voila! an endless list of bad redneck jokes, half-truths, jeff foxworthy tour dates and these, an interesting group of thoughts pulled from all over the google world:
[google search criteria] - "you might be a redneck if"
-it never occurred to you to be offended by the phrase "one nation, under god."
-you've never protested about seeing the 10 commandments posted in public places.
-you still say "christmas" instead of "winter festival."
-you bow your head when someone prays.
-you stand and place your hand over your heart, with your hat off when you hear national anthem.
-you treat all american vets with great respect, and always have.
-you've never burned an american flag.
-you know what you believe and you aren't afraid to say so, no matter who is listening.
-you respect your elders and expect your kids to do the same.
-you'd give your last dollar to a friend.
the lyrics of 'the old apartment' by the barenaked ladies have always made me emotionally content. i got this photo from one of my sister's friends blogs that doesn't seem to exist anymore. i love the photo though and it pairs well with the lyrics...
"...hide in your fine homes and eat vegetables; put a greenpeace or naacp bumper sticker on your beemer if it makes you feel better. save the rainforest-by all means-so maybe you can visit it someday, on an ecotour, wearing comfortable shoes made by twelve-year-olds in forced labor. save a whale while millions are still sold into slavery, starved, f*cked to death, shot, tortured, forgotten. when you see cute little kids crying in rubble next to Sally Struthers somewhere, be sure to send a few dollars..."
yup·pie [yuhp-ee] noun - a young, ambitious, and well-educated city-dweller who has a professional career and an affluent lifestyle. [Origin: 1980–85, Americanism; y(oung) u(rban) p(rofessional)] [www.dictionary.com]
...And then there was the condemned meat industry, with its endless horrors. The people of Chicago saw the government inspectors in Packingtown, and they all took that to mean that they were protected from diseased meat; they did not understand that these hundred and sixty-three inspectors had been appointed at the request of the packers, and that they were paid by the United States government to certify that all the diseased meat was kept in the state. They had no authority beyond that; for the inspection of meat to be sold in the city and state the whole force in Packingtown consisted of three henchmen of the local political machine!...
...And then there was "potted game" and "potted grouse," "potted ham," and "deviled ham"—devyled, as the men called it. "De-vyled" ham was made out of the waste ends of smoked beef that were too small to be sliced by the machines; and also tripe, dyed with chemicals so that it would not show white, and trimmings of hams and corned beef, and potatoes, skins and all, and finally the hard cartilaginous gullets of beef, after the tongues had been cut out. All this ingenious mixture was ground up and flavored with spices to make it taste like something. Anybody who could invent a new imitation had been sure of a fortune from old Durham, said Jurgis's informant, but it was hard to think of anything new in a place where so many sharp wits had been at work for so long; where men welcomed tuberculosis in the cattle they were feeding, because it made them fatten more quickly; and where they bought up all the old rancid butter left over in the grocery stores of a continent, and "oxidized" it by a forced-air process, to take away the odor, rechurned it with skim milk, and sold it in bricks in the cities!...
photo inspired by david letterman and his obsession with 'tainted meat.' excerpt from upton sinclair's 'the jungle.'
a post from the previously mentioned 'sausage donator,' michelle. she says i'm her 'muse.' i love the quote, and it fits so perfectly with the photo. paris, love her or hate her, really is an idiot; and we can only hope that she learns from her many oh-so-public f*ckups. ms. rita mae brown offers some real advice to live by.
thanks michelle, love it!
keller williams is the man. that's all i have to say about that.
today's 'reason to drink' according to my igoogle gadget, is: "Celebrate linguistic and cultural diversity on International Mother Language Day by drinking from a bottle you can't read." well, don't let me be the one to spoil the celebration... i drank directly from that bottle to celebrate. i know it's vodka, and i think it's from russia; that's about all i can tell you. oh, and it was delicious! join the party, happy international mother language day!
me, rob thomas & matchbox twenty: dedicated to you...
my mind is killing me right now. my guilty conscience is overwhelming me. i feel like i'm slipping again. doing it again. leaving again. ruining again. why? can i ask? more importantly, can i answer? i'm taking is personally because i know it applies to me. whether or not it was intended for me, i don't know...
"you can only push a girl away for so long until she walks out of your life on her own. so be careful and make sure this is what you want. because once she turns around, she ISN'T coming back..."
"take time to realize
that i am on your side
didn't i, didn't i tell you.
but i can't spell it out for you,
no its never gonna be that simple
no i can't spell it out for you.
if you just realize what i just realized,
then we'd be perfect for each other
and we'll never find another.
just realize, what i just realized.
we'd never have to wonder if
we missed out on each other now."
the words of yusuf islam, better known as cat stevens.
as promised, today was full of drywall. that was me for most of the day. ok, so maybe it wasn't as dramatic as being on stilts, but that would have been interesting. i was lucky enough to sleep in though, if 9:30 counts as sleeping in. tomorrow will no doubt be filled with a continuation of today, though we should be done by mid-afternoon. we'll see how that goes...
more on my construction activities tomorrow...
although i have always vowed NOT to jam my political beliefs down anyone's throat, i must ask all you mccain supporters out there: how the hell can you trust a man that doesn't open his mouth when he speaks? and on the same note, for someone who talks so much, he really doesn't say much. i listened to him babble for about an hour on cnn tonight; if mcain becomes president, only God can save America... and furthermore, i'm moving to England. we don't need another 'w.'
ANY democrat 2008.
although i was obsessed with knight rider back in the day, i do believe that tonight was the first time i had ever seen a 'new' episode. the show was originally on from 1982-1986, years that i really don't remember much of; i did, however, used to watch it after school just about everyday with my childhood friend frank. we never missed it, even though it was reruns. so i was beyond excited when i saw that kitt was making a return on primetime!
kitt of the new millenium
tonight's 'movie premier' was an interesting sight. besides the fact that it felt like a two hour ford motor company commercial, it had several other subtle characteristics that helped make this knight rider part of the new millenium. nbc also took the liberty of plugging their other show, 'las vegas,' as kitt rolled up to the montecito in vegas. subtlty #1.
throughout the show, but especially noticable during the several highway car chases, the only visible vehicles were ford motor company products: fords, mazdas, jaguars and land rovers. even the huge dumptrucks were old fords. but luckily, the two hour ford commercial was broken up by a ford mini-series of commercials during the actual commercial breaks. the term 'brainwash' comes to mind. i wish i had $1 for ever ford vehicle in the episode; i'd be a millionaire. the one exception to the fordian brainwash, was the 'bad guys,' driving a chevy, of course.
another interesting addition to the show was the lesbian couple that opened the pilot. the character played by syney poitier's daughter, wakes up with a woman who demands breakfast, before the credits even ran. no other mention to that. real subtle nbc, nice job!?! then during one of the mini-soap opera moments of the ford commercials, kitt is speaking to mike about a date that he's going on and randomly asks him if he is 'homosexual.' real subtle, again.
as great as it was, overall, there were just a few things missing. things that made knight rider so cool in the first place.
1- it's hard to watch kitt as a mustang. although the new kitt is pretty darn pimpin,' the trans am just screamed 'curly mullet.' maybe if we're lucky, we'll see him in an episode down the road, as they did mention him; maybe he'll be broken down in a garage somewhere or something.
2- the ultra-cool tractor trailer that kitt always rolled out of backwards was missing. they did have a huge plain that he pulled his signature move out of in the end, but again, it's just not the same.
lucky for us, the one, possibly most important thing, that was not missing was the hoff. he made his, pesumably one of many, cameo appearances in the last 15 minutes of the commercial, i mean show. surprisingly, he wasn't flaunting any chest hair. if i had any doubts about the show being a continued success, they all vanished the minute dave, as i like to call him, hit the screen.
another horribly early morning today. i guess i'm going to have to get used to that for a while, now that my pops is in residence. woke up, put a new window in the bedroom and spent the rest of the day like the picture above; wiring the entire room for new electrical boxes. i must say, i think i did pretty well for my first time. only one casualty of the day: i was trying to drill a hole through the ceiling to drop the wiring for the light switch. my hole was off by about an inch and i drilled right through the ceiling in the living room, that was just recently re-drywalled and painted. oops!
tomorrow, my life will most likely be filled with more drywall and spackle, as well as another 5am wake-up i'm sure. good times will be had by all, but me.
this photo is from my ray ban self-portrait series, paired with the words of jason mraz's 'no doubling back' from live at the eagles ballroom.
wow, what a long, long morning it has been. you wouldn't believe me if i told you. let's leave it at that for now. this is another photo from the creative genius that is sheila. check her out HERE.
i found a great new gadget a few days ago and put it on my igoogle page. everyday it updates itself with "today's reason to drink." today, february 15, in 1764, the city of st. louis, missouri was established. i know what you're saying, "big deal, that doesn't sound like a good reason to drink to me." well, had it not been for the establishment of st. louis, who knows if eberhard anheuser and adolphus busch would have established the first anheuser-busch brewery there in 1857. sound like a reason to drink now? i think so. so celebrate by drinking an all-american product today. beer!
over the last two weeks, i've received so many emails regarding the new site! first off, i appreciate all of the feedback, and truly appreciate all of you folks that come by and read on a regular basis. seriously, thank you! second, i've gotten some constructive feedback from many of my readers stating that with all the posts, it's difficult to find where you left off from last time you visited the site. so... to make it a bit easier, i've changed my archiving on the site. now, all posts will be archived on a weekly basis, so it's easier to find the last entry that you've read. keep the feedback coming and thanks again for reading!
so the one day of the year that everyone feels obligated to be nice to each other and tell the ones that they care about that they love them is behind us. so let's return to hating each other. from the stories on the news on 'love day,' it's apparent that some people were unaware of the holiday. four college kids and a professor were gunned down for no apparent reason at a college in illinois.
and the newspaper was filled with stories of both love and hate, or actually, love, hate and really strange occurances...
Strange and dangerous, occurance:
"Blade in heart-shaped lollipop blamed on "poor quality control"
The blade seemed to be melted into the candy, as if it had fallen into a mixture at the manufacturing plant. A cop notes that the candy had been manufactured in China.
Here's how it goes: Single people are supposed to abstain from sex for 30 days, while married couples are supposed to have sex every day for 30 days.
He was passed out in an alley for six hours during his walk home from bars in subzero temperatures. One of the guys who found him says: "He couldn't stand up. His clothes were half off. He sounded like he had a speech impediment. He couldn't talk. At the time he reeked of alcohol, but we could tell by the color of his hands it was worse."
For their feature, the Post-Crescent found a couple, both 95, who've been married for 75 years.
A radio ad for Big Al's Guns says: "If your lady's hotter than a $2 pistol, a handgun may be the perfect Valentine's gift." Has anyone out there received a gun from your loved one?
The 65-year-old woman says her recovery is all a tribute to the power of prayer. "I still don't know what my task is here on this Earth, but I know God's not done with me yet. How else could you explain everything that has happened to me?" Her first task -- storing her casket in the garage, perhaps?
Scatch-and-sniff I can deal with, but licking the ad? No thanks.
The middle-school students were doing a bit too much grinding on the dance floor. A school official says: "When parents ask why we've done this, I tell them I couldn't even have shown them what these kids were doing on videotape -- it's almost illegal. We're talking about groups of 20 kids or so rubbing up against each other."
Here's our genius-of-the-week: An 18-year-old woman told police that she may have mistakenly placed a bag of meth into an ATM for deposit into her bank account. A credit union confirmed that and the woman was arrested.
See's Candies, Inc. of San Francisco, Calif., is recalling 16-ounce bags of See's Candies Semi Sweet Chocolate Chips because the product may contain undeclared traces of milk. People who have an allergy or severe sensitivity to milk run the risk of serious or life-threatening allergic reaction if they consume these products.
The 71-year-old man figures he made a simple error when he heard the winning numbers announced on TV and thought he won just $150. "I must have written one number wrong," he says. His wife says: ''We're the typical poor senior citizens, and our income from Social Security is not a lot."
Two young children noticed the performance and alerted an adult who called police. The couple allegedly began yelling obscenities at police, and the woman lifted her shirt to expose her breasts to elderly passers-by and traffic. Let's hope they didn't hit the gas pedals instead of the brakes.
"The Wienermobile weighs 7,000 pounds, so usually ice and snow isn't much of a problem," says one of Oscar Mayer reps. "It was this time."
New postage rates go into effect on Monday, May 14, including a two-cent increase in the price of a First-Class Mail stamp to 41 cents. Post Offices nationwide are now selling the new 41-cent stamps and also one and two-cent stamps for customers who still have a supply of 39-cent stamps.
today is the first valentine's day that my sister and her husband have spent together as husband and wife. this photo is from their wedding last may, and the words are from their wedding song, 'come rain or come shine' by ray charles. here's wishing them many years of love and happiness! i love you guys!
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