New Archive...

Friday, February 15, 2008

over the last two weeks, i've received so many emails regarding the new site! first off, i appreciate all of the feedback, and truly appreciate all of you folks that come by and read on a regular basis. seriously, thank you! second, i've gotten some constructive feedback from many of my readers stating that with all the posts, it's difficult to find where you left off from last time you visited the site. so... to make it a bit easier, i've changed my archiving on the site. now, all posts will be archived on a weekly basis, so it's easier to find the last entry that you've read. keep the feedback coming and thanks again for reading!


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HELLO FOLKS and thanks for reading! i look forward to reading your comments on my posts, but understand that some people have a tough time figuring out the "process." so here's a quick lesson for you: just type your comment in the space provided, and don't even worry about signing in... choose the "name/url" option and just type your first name or a nickname and then hit "publish comment." that's it, it's just that easy! thanks again for reading and for commenting!

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