Once Upon A Win [Memory Lane]
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
remember the good ol’ days of your childhood? when you simply got to play with your favorite toy, savor that candy you only got when you had been good, or just sit in front of the television watching cartoons.
now you can relive those classic times and moments with failblog's newest site, once upon a win. take a walk down memory lane with our visual collection of the most epic wins from the past.
remember playing with Lawn Jarts? kind of dangerous, but yet so fun.
how many hours did you waste playing nintendo duck hunt and cursing that stupid dog that laughed at you?
what was your favorite flavor of fun dip?
we all wanted to take a ride in the a-team van and do some awesome stunts.
and how cool was airwolf? that theme song was truly epic as well.
duck hunt!
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